Iyengar Yoga
Monday, July 7 •
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Wisdom Flow Studio - on MAUI, Downstairs

Diana De Piñeres
Diana has been teaching yoga since 2003, having trained under the tutelage of Advaita Vedanta and Vinyasa teacher Sri Louise. In 2015 Diana began studying the transformative teachings of Iyengar Yoga [with Kay Huckabee]. Since 2017 she has studied with her mentor, Senior Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Holly Kostura, and is preparing for assessment this fall.
An Ayurvedic Practitioner Graduate of Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda, Diana offers seasonal diet and lifestyle classes and cleanse programs (panchakarma). Yoga and Ayurveda, have been essential in Diana’s growth and evolution as a woman and mother, helping her heal chronic low back pain and providing her with holistic awareness, strength, resiliency, and freedom. Her other loves are her surfing family, including her pets, Colombian music, singing kirtana, freshwater streams, and the preciousness and potential of humanity and life.
Practice yoga and unearth your inner light within a lineage based, tradition rich yoga class. Teachings aim to stabilize and expand the body, and trigger it’s reclaiming intelligence. Deliberate sequencing of poses cultivates viveka (discriminating discernment, wisdom, conscience) in the practitioner. Classes allow the student time to perceive the space within and with out the limitations of the physical body. This method of yoga aims to bring attention to the Universality within. Make progress towards physical, mental and emotional integration and freedom in this dedicated Sri Patanjali 8 limb path yoga practice.