Somatic Balance

Monday, November 11 • 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Wisdom Flow Studio - on MAUI, Upstairs
Emma Whitney
Emma's background is in Early Childhood Education. She was a Montessori teacher here on Maui, and is currently a Hospice Maui volunteer. I have used my master Reiki attunement for animals as end of life support, and am an avid student of birth and death. I use the modalities of NeuroEffective Touch® and Somatic Experiencing® with my understanding of early childhood development to help others feel the messages coming from their bodies via sensations and emotions so that Mal-adaptive strategies and outdated energies can be revealed and healed.


Cultivate community bonds and personal healing through guided story sharing. Somatic Experiencing and NeuroAffective Touch are therapeutic approaches specifically designed to address trauma stored within the body. It focuses on the physical sensations that accompany trauma and offers guidance on carefully releasing this stored energy. Through gentle exploratory exercises and support, individuals learn to tune into their body’s sensations and, over time, release the tension or charge associated with traumatic experiences. This is an integrative approach to trauma therapy that addresses both psychological and physiological dimensions of healing. The goal is not to relive the traumatic event but to discharge the accumulated stress energy and make space for new, positive experiences.