30min Bed Yoga Online

Sunday, 24 April • 10:00 - 10:30
Zoom - Online
Paulina Burzynska
I'm Paulina ✨ Wellbeing Guide + Yoga Teacher Calling BS on Bubble Baths 🛀🏻 Here to guide you into REAL Self Care and Stress Reduction for High Achieving People Pleasers With classes you see on here but also an Online Wellbeing membership: starting from €47/month. Why should you trust me? Because I've been where you are: 💁‍♀️ I've thrived in the corporate race, loving my job and excelling under pressure. 💁‍♀️ I was known as the person who always had it together, even when I felt lost inside. 💁‍♀️ I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 18, a challenge I turned into a blessing. 💁‍♀️ I've done the work myself and transformed my life. Now, I've hosted over 5 retreats, supported over 1000 women, and built a community from scratch in a country I knew nothing about. My approach is based on Yoga Therapy, working with the breath, somatically with trauma informed practises. You're in the right place for some all round self care and well-being. 💪


30 min - Online - Gentle yoga from your bed

Breath work, meditation and gentle movement you can do whilst horizontal. We go through a body awareness practise, that includes both mobility and gentle stretches alongside strength work. You will feel the benefits in your whole body, without moving all that much!

This class is aimed for people with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and those with chronic health conditions.

All you need is a bed (or somewhere comfy to lay on) and a device you can do a 'zoom' video call. You can choose to have your camera on or off - whatever you feel most comfortable to do!

If you have it on, it allows me to check your form - but I won't call you out, just provide general feedback to the whole class! The class is limited to 20 people so I ensure the exercises I pick are suitable for everyone involved.

If the class is booked up, you have the option to join a waiting list and you will be notified if a space becomes available.

If you are having a pain flare or too unwell to join, please let me know as soon as possible to give someone else a chance to join. AND class recording is provided to you for 7 days, so you can do it in your own time.

See our cancellation policy for more details.

This class is aimed for people with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and those with chronic health conditions. However if you are new to yoga or exercising, I recommend you have a Free 1:1 15min Assessment Call with me first so we can ensure the class is appropriate for you and you get the most out of it.

- You must not participate with the classes or do any physical activities without first getting medical advice
- You should not take part in any physical activity that you may not be fit for
- You are responsible for monitoring your own condition during the class
- If you suffer any unusual symptoms or pain, you must immediately stop the class and seek further medical advice.

See our terms & conditions for more details.