Free workshop: tune into your vision for 2022 Online

Sunday, 19 December • 19:30 - 21:00
Zoom - Online
Paulina Burzynska
I'm Paulina ✨ Wellbeing Guide + Yoga Teacher Calling BS on Bubble Baths 🛀🏻 Here to guide you into REAL Self Care and Stress Reduction for High Achieving People Pleasers With classes you see on here but also an Online Wellbeing membership: starting from €47/month. Why should you trust me? Because I've been where you are: 💁‍♀️ I've thrived in the corporate race, loving my job and excelling under pressure. 💁‍♀️ I was known as the person who always had it together, even when I felt lost inside. 💁‍♀️ I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 18, a challenge I turned into a blessing. 💁‍♀️ I've done the work myself and transformed my life. Now, I've hosted over 5 retreats, supported over 1000 women, and built a community from scratch in a country I knew nothing about. My approach is based on Yoga Therapy, working with the breath, somatically with trauma informed practises. You're in the right place for some all round self care and well-being. 💪


Free workshop/gathering this Sunday at 19:30 Germany time, but you need to register in order to get the zoom ID details.

2021 has been another challenging year for many of us. But by changing our perspective and continuing to grow and focus on ourselves, we can generate positivity and inspiration for ourselves and others.

We will firstly, have a guided meditation to reconnect with our soul, your heart and get connected to what truly matters.
Then we will go through an Ending of the year Ritual together, followed by visioning the year ahead. What you want to take with you, what you leave behind & connect even more to our FEELINGS with some grounded actions 🌼

After that we will have a chance to all talk together, have different topics and themes for you to choose from and ending with an Oracle card reading for the end of the year.

For the circle, you will only need a quiet place and something to write. Make yourself a cup of your favorite drink, maybe light a candle, or diffuse some essential oils to create a welcoming, cozy environment so you can be fully present and enjoy the process.

Will you join us?
No recording will be provided as this is a free event, and one we all need to be present in to gain benefits from <3

All my love,