Self Care Yoga Program - Session
Monday, 17 April • 19:30 - 21:00
Online via Zoom
Paulina Burzynska
I'm Paulina ✨ Wellbeing Guide + Yoga Teacher Calling BS on Bubble Baths 🛀🏻 Here to guide you into REAL Self Care and Stress Reduction for High Achieving People Pleasers With classes you see on here but also an Online Wellbeing membership: starting from €47/month. Why should you trust me? Because I've been where you are: 💁‍♀️ I've thrived in the corporate race, loving my job and excelling under pressure. 💁‍♀️ I was known as the person who always had it together, even when I felt lost inside. 💁‍♀️ I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 18, a challenge I turned into a blessing. 💁‍♀️ I've done the work myself and transformed my life. Now, I've hosted over 5 retreats, supported over 1000 women, and built a community from scratch in a country I knew nothing about. My approach is based on Yoga Therapy, working with the breath, somatically with trauma informed practises. You're in the right place for some all round self care and well-being. 💪
Are you also sick of online only content? Not being able to connect with people in real time, but everything happening via recordings? Do you feel the need to have more in your routine? to take care of your body, mind and soul on a regular basis?

If you are like me, and said yes to all of the above, then join us for a Monthly Self Care Yoga Program.

Program where we meet weekly, live via zoom, for a 1.5hr practise of various practises. Working on our mind, body and soul. Regular time each week, real humans to connect with via our group chat & recordings for when life gets in the way and you can't make it live.

Practises will include: Oracle reading, reflection, pranayama, meditation, journaling and movement.

1st Class - Monthly Oracle Reading, Journaling, Meditation, Movement
2nd Class - Reflection, Journaling, Meditation, Movement
3rd Class - Reflection, Journaling, Meditation, Movement
4th Class - End of month reflection, oracle reading, journaling, meditation, movement.

4 classes - 6 hours a month for only €88 - keep all recordings, grow and reflect while connecting with a community. You aren't alone ♥️