Autumn Equinox Women Circle & Picnic
Sunday, 11 September • 12:00 - 16:00
Hebenstreitstraße 2 (Eingang Humboldtstr.), 81543 München (Giesing)
Paulina Burzynska
I'm Paulina ✨ Wellbeing Guide + Yoga Teacher Calling BS on Bubble Baths 🛀🏻 Here to guide you into REAL Self Care and Stress Reduction for High Achieving People Pleasers With classes you see on here but also an Online Wellbeing membership: starting from €47/month. Why should you trust me? Because I've been where you are: 💁‍♀️ I've thrived in the corporate race, loving my job and excelling under pressure. 💁‍♀️ I was known as the person who always had it together, even when I felt lost inside. 💁‍♀️ I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 18, a challenge I turned into a blessing. 💁‍♀️ I've done the work myself and transformed my life. Now, I've hosted over 5 retreats, supported over 1000 women, and built a community from scratch in a country I knew nothing about. My approach is based on Yoga Therapy, working with the breath, somatically with trauma informed practises. You're in the right place for some all round self care and well-being. 💪
What is a Woman Circle?
Throughout history, women have consciously or unconsciously gathered in sacred circles to laugh, share, heal, care for children, grieve, and spiritually connect in community.

This is a safe space for healing and awakening and women of all walks of life, faiths, beliefs, and backgrounds are welcome.

Women’s Circles are a space to come together with other women to connect and tap into our hearts and inner selves. A space to take refuge, to show up with all parts of us and feel free to express whatever arises, just as it is.
Connect to this healing and empowering community space and take off the masks of everyday life we sometimes have to wear. Show up exactly as you are, be seen and witnessed in your truth and authenticity.

These circles are unique experience, hard to put into words and much better felt.

Invest some time nourishing yourself through the courageous words of yourself and other women.

The experience of circle is one all women could benefit from yet may not know they need. It’s the sense of feminine community that nurtures and guides us to a deeper sense of ourselves.

Why the Autumn Equinox?
A gathering to honour the autumn equinox. As we return to the balance of light and day that we experienced in spring. Six months on we are given another opportunity in our year to return inwards. This is a time when we can pause, recalibrate and reconnect to our energy.

Yet this time, we prepare for the descent into the darkness. The nights grow longer, the days are shorter, the air is chillier, the trees return their sap to the ground, and we watch as nature turns from a vibrant lush green to more muted yellows and oranges. The trees have born their fruit, and so have we. It's time to stop, and to recap what we have sown.
- Meditation to celebrate your power, your strength, your light.
- Sharing time to connect
- Autumn Ritual
- Reflection
- Tea and relaxation
- A safe place for you to be authentically, truly yourself
Soul Circle Guidelines: 🆘
🌸 everything that is shared in the soul circle remains only in that room between everyone present. We don't share or discuss anything anyone said outside of this space.
🌼 speak from the heart: we speak/share to just express ourselves. Not to find or receive answers from others. There is no need to worry if what you're saying out loud makes sense, because the intention is for you to just speak from the heart rather than be understood by others.
🌸 when sharing, focus on sharing from first person. Starting with 'I' is a good tip, avoiding statements that use 'we, us, they, people'. Taking responsibility for your own opinions, beliefs and views. Share from your own point of view and own your experiences.
🌼 only share when you feel called to. You aren't forced to ever be, say or do anything you don't want to. You are in control, so only ever contribute when you truly feel the call to do so.
🌸 listen from the heart: attentively, without judgement, without interrupting and without giving unwanted advice. This is not a time to plan what you say, but simply to listen and be present.

This space is for your own self discovery, this is what Soul Circles are. Souls gathering together to listen to each other, hold and simply be. Without judgements, expectations or assumptions.
- The location doesn't have electricity inside, as it is a beautiful yurt.
- Toilet facilities are there.
- I will bring a thermos with hot water and tea bags.
- Wear comfy clothes.
- 12:00 until 16:00. Circle will finish around 14:30 then we have time to eat and sit.

To register for this class you first need to create an account on here, on Momoyoga, then you need to go back to register for this class specifically where you will be prompted to purchase a class pass (product).

If you'd like to see how pretty our location is, check the pictures in the link.