Community Christmas Party
Saturday, 17 December • 14:30 - 20:30
WERK1 Cafe, Private Place for just our community
Paulina Burzynska
I'm Paulina ✨ Wellbeing Guide + Yoga Teacher Calling BS on Bubble Baths 🛀🏻 Here to guide you into REAL Self Care and Stress Reduction for High Achieving People Pleasers With classes you see on here but also an Online Wellbeing membership: starting from €47/month. Why should you trust me? Because I've been where you are: 💁‍♀️ I've thrived in the corporate race, loving my job and excelling under pressure. 💁‍♀️ I was known as the person who always had it together, even when I felt lost inside. 💁‍♀️ I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 18, a challenge I turned into a blessing. 💁‍♀️ I've done the work myself and transformed my life. Now, I've hosted over 5 retreats, supported over 1000 women, and built a community from scratch in a country I knew nothing about. My approach is based on Yoga Therapy, working with the breath, somatically with trauma informed practises. You're in the right place for some all round self care and well-being. 💪
- If you want to be part of the Secret Santa exchange please sign up with your name, once enough people register you will also be assigned a name 🙂

- Please bring some food for us to share.

- I will bring some Glühwein and Kinderpunsch, there will be more Kinderpunsch though.

- We will be at the WERK1 Cafe, just our group, so we will have cutlery, plates, music there.

- If you have any games, oracle cards, cards, or anything at all you want to bring with you please do.

It will be a casual gathering with not much planned, we just see what we want to do on the day. If there is anything you need to feel more comfortable please just let me know. Feel free to bring anything along with you.

I will send a bit more information on this in the next few days again as we approach it and I get a little clearer.

I will be at the Cafe from 14:00 to warm up the drinks, set up our space, put the coffee machine on etc. You are welcome to join me already from that time, but feel free to arrive anytime from 14:30 which I think is a good official time to begin. Open end, meaning you leave when you want to.

If you are SURE that you will be coming, please register online. It is free of course, then you will get an email from me with further information and you'll have the option to join in the Secret Santa. If you aren't sure if you are coming, you don't need to register but you can just show up whenever you want.

If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts etc. Please just let me know!