Preparing For Birth Course
Zondag, 9 juli • 11:00 - 18:00
Schoolstraat 28, Delft, Womanhood studio
Tami Kalir
Whether this is your first pregnancy or not the road to parenthood is a very special time for you and your family.

In the Netherlands, it’s important to know about ‘the standard ‘ approach to pregnancy and birth from what you may be used to in your own country. But… don’t stress!

Getting the knowledge and leaning the techniques from this course will empower and support you and your partner in having the birth experience you most wish for.

Join us (from 3rd trimester; 28 weeks plus) in the historical city center of Delft. This course will not only be informational and practical, but also lots of fun!!

Subjects that will be covered:
– The physiology of birth, including all stages
– Positioning
– Pain coping techniques and options available
– Breathing
– Instinctive versus guided pushing
– Home versus hospital birth
– Birth planning
– Postpartum support and care

With involvement of your partner, continuous support and one-on-one guidance, you will most likely have an empowering, safe and joyful birth experience. These topics and more will be discussed during our course together.

Practical info:
– Start at 11:00 am. Please arrive early to settle in
– 13:00 Break for lunch (city center/bring your own)
– Finish 18:00pm
– Wear comfortable cloth
– Please remove shoes at entry to the studio
– Price: per *couple, tea and snacks included – 299 EURO
– Payment confirms registration
– Small and intimate classes (min 3 couples, max. 8 couples)

*”A couple” can be your birth support partner, mother, sister or friend.

Look forward to seeing you there!


* Your teacher/host has the background of physical Therapy, is a certified, trained and experienced birth doula and child birth educator.