Expressive English Workshop with Barbara (parent-kid workshop)
Zaterdag, 2 september • 15:00 - 16:00
Schoolstraat 28, Delft, Womanhood studio
Gast Docent
This wonderful workshop is for kids from 4 to 7 years old with mummy or daddy.

Expressive English is a project that was born spontaneously together with Barbara's young students who took care of it with joy and let it grow like a delicate and strong little plant.

Creativity and movement help children memorise new language structures and vocabulary in a more practical and meaningful way.
Barbra's main aim as an educator is to encourage the yongest to express and believe in their own talents because every child is different and unique!!

More about Barbara Mazzanti:
Dance, movement, and teaching are her greatest passions since she was a teenager.
Barbara is a creative dance trainer, a certified Celta Cambridge English teacher, and a Pilates instructor from Italy.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in foreign languages and literature, and a diploma as an educational dance trainer (danzeducatrice).
She has some experiences as a professional dancer when she was younger; mindful movement helped her express her feelings and improved her ability to believe in her own talents.
Barbara has been working at IC Ciresola primary school in Milan, since October 2021 as a language specialist, where she developed a special methodology to teach English to young children through creative dance and music.

Price: (ticket is for 1 child & 1 parent) €20,-

If you have further questions, please feel free to email Barbara: