Baby Massage Workshop
Vrijdag, 21 juli • 11:00 - 13:00
Schoolstraat 28, Delft, Womanhood studio
Tami Kalir
Touch between you and your baby brings you emotionally close.
Baby massage helps stimulate the production of the feel-good hormone oxytocin in you and your baby. You may find that giving your baby a massage lifts your mood and helps you to feel more empowered as a parent.

The time you set aside for a massage can be your special time together. As you massage your baby, it comes naturally to chat and have plenty time of eye contact.

Wish to reduce baby’s crying? Help baby sleep more deeply and longer? Help develop good muscle tone, coordination and Enhance body awareness?
Join us at the womanhood studio. Both parents are welcome!

In a 2 hour session we will learn and practice the most common techniques for a total baby’s body massage and become confident with touching and massaging.

It is best to start massaging your baby after the umbilical stump falls off. Best time to join is from that moment until 8-9 months, when your baby starts crawling or walking.

Costs of a group’s class: 75 euro. You and your partner, and the baby of course, are welcome!