Live Cello Savasana Concert /Ola Renska
Vrijdag, 16 februari • 20:00 - 21:15
Schoolstraat 28, Delft, Womanhood studio
Tami Kalir
Based in Den Haag, Ola Renska is a cellist with a diverse freelance classical music performing career as well as experience in improvised meditation/healing concerts.

She improvises her own melodies that incorporate fragments of Bach solo suits and other beautiful cello repertoire.

Cello is one of the string instruments that resembles a human voice and has a beautiful diverse capacity of sounds and notes that can take you in a journey to relaxation, calmness and self-healing.

A Savasana Concert is a lay-down concert which allows you to explore music in a new dimension. And in our studio, you'll be cocooning in the Aerial Yoga slings, embracing beatiful sound vaibrations.

Some say that the real magic of yoga happens in Savasana. Would you agree?

Experience this solo cello performance, that will deepen your relaxation even further, slowing down the heart rate and calming the breath.

In this Savasana concert Ola will play a selection of movements from Bach solo cello suites, pieces by F. Bridge, Camille Saint-Saëns, as well as improvised musical story created in a moment of stillness and meditation. Ola will also use a loop station to create more voices and to improvise on fragments of musical pieces ( Bach, Debussy). In this musical context.... In this musical context, she invites listeners to obtain some moments of calm, reflection, and peacefulness while they are guided at the beginning and end of the session by Tami Kalir through some yoga poses and guided movement meditation.

Ticket: €37,50
Members with Unlimited Womanhood Membership: €25
After purchasing your ticket and in case you can't join, you may pass your ticket to someone else. Refund is not possible.

Cancellation: If you have a ticket and can’t join, consider handing over/selling your ticket to someone else. Refund is not possible.