Kinderyoga 8-10 Jahre

Donnerstag, 12 Dezember • 16:30 - 17:30
Katharina Muck
Hi, I’m Katharina! I offer Yoga classes in and around Herzogenaurach. Yoga teaches me every day, on and off the mat, that I can trust myself – my body, my mind, my feelings – my inner voice. In my classes I want to instill this confidence in my students: To listen to their intuition and what they really need in that particular moment, so they can leave the class empowered and with a stronger sense of who they are. Students who like precise cues combined with supporting assists will feel at home in my classes.
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Hier kann Dein Kind erste Yogahaltungen, Atemübungen und Meditationen spielerisch kennenlernen und ausprobieren. Alles natürlich mit viel Spass und Lachen.


A first and playful introduction to yoga poses, breathing exercises and meditation. Plus lots of fun and laughter!