☯️Sunday: 12:00 pm: 🔥Kundalini Vyapini: Part II🔥: Specialty Class: Melody: Fire🔥
Sunday, January 1 • 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
2050 West Main Street, Suite # 4, Yoga Equilibre
Melody Francis, Owner/Divine Touch/Yoga Equilibre, BHS, ERYT500, LMT, AdvCBP, YACEP
Melody has a Bachelors in counseling along with her Yoga Creds and LMT license. Study specialties have been Classical Chinese Medicine/Yin Yoga, Ayurveda, Myo-Fascial Release (John Barnes, PT), and Kundalini. Melody’s passion is linking the Whole Self (all layers) during asana, pranayama, and meditation.
Continue to awaken your Kundalini fire with New Year energy to revitalize/upgrade all of your systems on many levels. Tap in to Vyapini (8th) Chakra, transcendent of time and space.