New Years Day - Vinyasa with Post-Yoga Journaling and Inner Vision Mapping
Monday, January 1 • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Heathcote & Star, 344 Grove Green Road, Green Grove Room
Basia and Tarin Collaboration
This session will be an open space for nourishment and a collaborative session using pure movement to cleanse and nourish the body, and restore connection. Emerging from Savasana with as quiet space to journal, reflect, discover and be. With sign posts and semi-guided prompts.

The Vinyasa with Tarin: Less about the setting of intentions or philosophy, and more about the pure movement. The spaciousness created in the body through the practice of yoga. Less mind more just being. A gentle vinyasa that builds in pace as we move into deeper transitions, between arm balances and standing balances involving the whole body, evolving through breath and movement.  Fluid by design. With a looong slow down into a restorative savasana. Set to music and soundscapes.

Journaling and Visioning with Basia: Emerging from Savasana. Within the quiet space, with the body and mind clear and aligned we share a moment to reflect, be inspired, connect, discover and find. Bring your own journal if you have one or be in quiet internal reflection with eyes closed.