Psychedelic Breathwork, Nidra & Live Sound - WILL BE FILMED & PHOTOGRAPHED
Tuesday, August 20 • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Heathcote & Star, 344 Grove Green Road, Green Grove Room
Basia Zieniewicz
I am a fully qualified and insured Yoga Instructor. After almost 20 years of practice, I began an 18-month teaching diploma training under Sevanti at Unity Yoga in 2019 and completed more than 400 hours of various trainings since. Beginning my yoga journey in 1999, I've found my practice to be an incredibly powerful tool for support and positive transformation in my life. I've practiced and studied with teachers from various styles and traditions but I consider my practice and sharing to be post-lineage. I endeavour to share yoga practices in an inclusive, accessible and non-hierarchical way which respects your own inner wisdom and natural rhythmic cycles. I embrace the role of a guide in the realms of both tenderness and resilience, softness and strength, in what I like to call “subtle activism” and am inspired by embodiment practices. I like to slow things down and I encourage this at every opportunity. My approach emphasizes nurturing an inquisitive awareness of the body, mind, and spirit. I aim to be playful in my devotion and facilitation, interweaving my various yoga trainings, esoteric practices, and transpersonal psychology. I like to focus on honesty and introspection in practice, guiding yogis to connect deeply with themselves to discard the superficial and delve into the breath to clear the mind & steer it towards clarity. I am passionate to guide towards cultivating a more sensitive connection to the subtle cues within and outside the body in order to align you with your most unique compass code. It's my firm belief that our duty is to discover what inspires us so we can be bold and share our sparkle in this world. In addition to my initial teacher training certificate, I see myself as an ongoing student of yoga, inspired by many brilliant teachers, and have trained under Dr Kumar in Traditional Vedic yoga, Uma Dinsmore Tuli in Yoga Nidra, WeEvolve and Katonah yoga under Selena Gareffino, as well as yoga for children with Zen Kids and Trauma-Sensitive Foundation with Centre for Trauma and Embodiment. With a degree in arts education and an accredited and certified self-leadership coach, My post-graduate therapeutic trainings include Integrative Arts, Psychosynthesis and Grofian Psychedelic and Breathwork psychological models, being an ongoing student of spiritual psychology since 2020. I specialise in supporting and integrating spiritual emergence and emergencies. A humbled co-parent to our avant-garde yoga hub in East London, Yoga In the Stars, where we embody the philosophy of being a "merging of the emerging," and space for continuous learning, community and growth. I offer 121 coaching packages, yoga sessions, yoga nidra and am in the process of creating an online mentorship program to create a Masterpiece of Life. For a more in-depth understanding of my services and qualifications, please visit my website at
After an unforgettable journey to Paradhis Festival this summer in Cornwall, joined live by an orchestra of incredible sound facilitators, musicians, and a wide array of instruments from archaic to synthetic, we tasted our own medicine and we're eager for more.

This will be an experimental session and will be accompanied by collaborating friends.

For marketing purposes, we will be offering this at NO CHARGE, in exchange for your willingness to be filmed, and photographed as well as providing us with a testimonial of your experience.

Inspired by her deep interest in the therapeutic impact of liminal spaces, and drawing on her three years of training as a Grof® Breathwork and Psychedelic Psychotherapist, along with other frameworks, Basia has been creatively curating an experience that weaves together various 'technologies of the sacred.' This 90-minute ritual, which she simply calls Psychedelic Breathwork, is the culmination of her explorations and passion for transformative practices that reunite us with our Whole Exquisite Selves.

A composite of 2 Greek root words,

Psyche: mind, soul, spirit
Delos: revealing, manifesting

Literally, psychedelic can be understood as "soul-revealing."

So, what might it look like to breathe with the intention of unveiling the emergence of your true, capital “S,” Self into your conscious awareness?

This brings us to the concept of Pneuma, an Ancient Greek term that fundamentally means "air in motion" or "breath"—something essential to life. In Greek tragedy, pneuma is often referred to as the "breath of life," and in the New Testament, it is synonymous with "Spirit." Early Greek philosophy frequently links pneuma with the soul itself.

In the ritual we call Spirit of Pneuma, we combine sacred technologies, with a central focus on breath practices. Through these practices, we gradually guide ourselves back to a more harmonious alignment with our Whole, Exquisite Self and heart space.


Psychedelic Breathwork is a powerful modality that can evoke intense feelings and strong physical and emotional releases.

This modality is NOT suitable for you if you have (or have a history of):

Panic attacks
Seizure disorders
Cardiovascular issues
Recent injury or surgery
High blood pressure, or glaucoma
Any condition requiring regular medication
Pregnancy, breastfeeding, or are up to 14 weeks postpartum

Additionally, please refrain from combining this practice with any other substances.

By registering for this event, you agree to take full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from your participation.