EVE: Sunday Sanctuary: Restorative Yoga and Sound Healing
Sunday, January 21 • 7:15 PM - 8:45 PM
Heathcote & Star, 344 Grove Green Road, Green Grove Room
Fatuma Mahad
Fatuma is a qualified and experienced sound therapist, cacao facilitator and yoga teacher with a focus on creating experiences that generate balance in the body, mind, and soul.  She creates sanctuaries and immersions that deliver a multi-sensory experience by combining both yin and yang practices such as sound healing, yoga, meditation, breathwork and ecstatic dancing to tap into your own innate ability to heal and generate harmony in the nervous system.  Fatuma is also a trained and experienced transformational coach and mentor.
On Sunday 21st Jan at 7.15pm, we will gather for a beautiful special practice that deeply connects us to our body, mind, breath, and heart. I will be guide you through a restorative yoga and sound healing practice.

We will open our practice with some light breathwork, gentle movement, and meditation to get grounded and tune into our individual and collective intentions.

We will then settle into a deeply nourishing and stilling restorative yoga practice designed to re-balance the nervous system.

We will finish the practice with a sound journey that connects you to your own innate ability to heal accompanied by sonic higher vibrations, elemental frequencies, and deep rest.

We will close our practice with time to integrate, reflect and journal insights that may have emerged through the practice.


About Fatima

Fatuma is a qualified and experienced sound therapist, cacao facilitator and yoga teacher with a focus on creating experiences that generate balance in the body, mind, and soul.  She creates sanctuaries and immersions that deliver a multi-sensory experience by combining both yin and yang practices such as sound healing, yoga, meditation, breathwork and ecstatic dancing to tap into your own innate ability to heal and generate harmony in the nervous system.  Fatuma is also a trained and experienced transformational coach and mentor.