Ashtanga (ENG/NL)
Donderdag, 22 augustus • 20:15 - 21:15
Jonna Kokko
As a young student 20 years ago, I walked into an Ashtanga vinyasa class. I fell in love with the strengthening and calming effects of the practice as well as the simplicity of it. Since then, I have practiced various styles of yoga such as Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Bikram, Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra. Yoga has been a source of strength, stability and peace in my personal life. In 2019, I followed my dream and started a Yoga Teacher Training with Joachim Meire at Yogaloft. My personal studies with Janet Stone, Briohny Smyth, Talia Sutra and the writings of Vanda Scaravelli have all influenced the way that I practice and teach yoga. My passion for nature and authenticity, rooting in my home country Finland, play a role in my views of holistic wellbeing. I am a student of embodied, empowering and sustainable yoga. This means that I'm your guide for your personal practice which is based on remaining loving and respectful to your body at all times. "Yoga is an effortless dance with Breath & Gravity." -Vanda Scaravelli
Kom bewegen op het ritme van je adem. We beoefenen een vaste reeks houdingen, met iedere les een licht andere focus. Sommige houdingen zullen ons fysiek uitdagen, maar we benaderen ze steeds met zachtheid en liefde voor ons lichaam. Na verloop van tijd zal je merken hoe je lichaam soepeler en sterker wordt, hoe je conditie verbetert, en hoe je ook mentale rust en weerbaarheid opbouwt. Iedereen is welkom om samen te komen oefenen in deze les.