Pot Luck Mini Yoga Retreat (Vegan) Waitlist

27 January 2024 • 11:00 - 15:45
853-855 Finchley Road Golders Green NW11 8L
Charli Sklar


Suitable for all levels of student

Inspired by a pot luck Friday night dinner that I went to, I have organised a pot luck mini yoga retreat. The retreat will consist of a vegan pot luck lunch sandwiched between 2 yoga classes. Excuse the pun!

Schedule for the day
11.00 - 11:15 Arrival - Tea & Chat
11:30 - 12:45 Vinyasa Yoga Class
12:45 - 13:45 Lunch - Pot Luck - Bring a dish (vegan)
13:45 - 15:30 Meditation, Yin Yoga & Self Massage Class
15:30 - 15:45 Tea & chats

Vinyasa Flow Class
​This will be a 75 minute mixed level yoga class. Various options will be given throughout the class to build up to the more challenging poses, showing you the journey to get there if you are still learning the poses, if they are new to you or you want to take it easier. If you are a more experienced yogi there will be challenging options for you to try to explore your edge. Everyone will be taken care of and given options relevant to their level of experience.

The class will be vinyasa flow - meaning movement is linked with the breath. As with all my classes we start slowly, usually laying on the back with some breath awareness to centre, ground and arrive. I will ease you into a dynamic vinyasa flow practice via some laying stretches and core work. It will be a well rounded class including standing & balance poses, upper & lower body stretches, arm balances and inversion options.

Yin & Self Massage Class
This class will start with a short 15 minute meditation after lunch to carry you back into a quiet state of mind. Following this we will move into a laying relaxing class of long held stretches and self massage techniques using tennis balls and yoga bricks.
You will apply pressure to trigger points (muscle knots) throughout the body which will teach you techniques including to relieve a headache using tennis balls, how to release a stiff upper back and chest using a block and tennis balls, soothe sore feet and legs, and ease general aches and pains.

During the yin section of the class we will work into the deeper layers of tissue and joints than we do in a vinyasa class. Gently applying pressure to the body to create space in the joints and allowing the body to soften and surrender in the longer held poses. Yin yoga is also an opportunity to observe the mind and thoughts and practice breathing and meditation techniques.

Pot Luck Vegan Lunch
Between the 2 yoga classes we will have a yummy pot luck lunch. Pot luck means everybody contributes a dish for the group to share and we will have an interesting and varied selection of food. Homemade dishes are preferable but don't worry if you aren't a chef - supermarkets have a great selection of ready made salads, grains, falafel, hummus, fruit etc. Marks & spencer particularly excel in this area.

What to bring: A VEGAN dish with 6+ portions. A substantial salad, grains & beans, a main course or a desert. Homemade food is very much appreciated if you can. Please add your dish and name to this spreadsheet so that we can avoid multiples of the same food. If you are stuck for ideas feel free to message me or just google "Vegan pot luck recipes"