Lammas Women's Circle and Yoga

Friday, July 28 • 7:15 PM - 9:15 PM
The YogaWolf Studio, Elcot Lane, Marlborough 2BG
Catherine Hartley
Hi I’m Catherine and I teach yoga, meditation and intuitive workshops. As a yoga teacher and intuitive/clairvoyant I truly believe we all possess the gift of intuition, that we all have the ability to still, to come into our hearts and to connect with the divine on a deep level. We, as humans, are all the bridge between Heaven and Earth, here to walk between the worlds, to fully embrace both our humanity and our divinity, and I am here to help you reclaim that. To peel back the layers, the conditioning, the stories, the forgetting so that you can be who you came here to be. Through my classes my vision is to bring you back into communication with your soul and be able to take grounded action to align with the nudges that it is calling you towards. Everything I do is here to put you back in touch with your own magic and your joy and to help you fully embody your connection to the divine.


Immerse yourself in a magical gathering as we come together to to celebrate the fullness of our lives open up to abundance and help radiate your truest, most authentic and powerful self into the world.
Over this two hour experience we will create a sacred space for women to connect with the energy of Lammas, connect with other women, and have space held for you to experience healing. In this sacred space, you will experience feeling heard, seen, and most importantly feeling safe to be who you are.
Yoga will follow focusing on the solar plexus chakra, activating our own inner personal sunshine, the centre of energy and achievement and our manifesting power.

What to expect:
Safe space to be accepted and cherished exactly as you are
Energy healing
Opportunity to share
Oracle cards

What you will experience:
Being Heard
Deep connection to other women in Sisterhood
Setting intentions
Feeling safe
Feeling Supported
Deep Relaxation
Release of stuck emotions

If you have a drum and would like to bring it please do as well as a journal and pen and anything you would like to place on the altar ❤️