Women's Winter Solstice Circle Cancelled

Friday, December 22 • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
The YogaWolf Studio, Elcot Lane, Marlborough 2BG
Catherine Hartley
Hi I’m Catherine and I teach yoga, meditation and intuitive workshops. As a yoga teacher and intuitive/clairvoyant I truly believe we all possess the gift of intuition, that we all have the ability to still, to come into our hearts and to connect with the divine on a deep level. We, as humans, are all the bridge between Heaven and Earth, here to walk between the worlds, to fully embrace both our humanity and our divinity, and I am here to help you reclaim that. To peel back the layers, the conditioning, the stories, the forgetting so that you can be who you came here to be. Through my classes my vision is to bring you back into communication with your soul and be able to take grounded action to align with the nudges that it is calling you towards. Everything I do is here to put you back in touch with your own magic and your joy and to help you fully embody your connection to the divine.


Do you feel called to connect with and celebrate the turning wheel of the year, this Winter Solstice?
To connect deeply with mother earth and the wisdom of her cycles? Of your own cyclical nature?
To gift yourself a SACRED PAUSE; space to come into alignment with your true authentic self? To better understand and accept each part of yourself in this present moment of your life?
To come together in solidarity with kind and loving sisters who support and celebrate each other?
If so, this Winter Solstice, come and join us as we celebrate the lead up to the shortest day and longest night, marking the return of the light as the sun begins to extend our days again. Together we celebrate rebirth, transformation and new beginnings. As with all rebirths, death is an essential part of this. Through ritual we practice letting go of any outdated parts of ourselves we are ready to shed (the death of those parts), to cleanse and clear our internal world. These may be beliefs, behaviour patterns, commitments, relationships, chapters of our life. On this day together we will integrate all the wisdom honed in the darkest part of the year, and from those who came before us, honouring the Crone energy of the Winter Goddess, before we look forwards to the lighter more active outward part of the year and its Maiden energy.
This Winter Solstice Circel will provide you with:
● Connection to & integration of the energy that Winter Solstice brings us
● Guided meditation & inner journeys
● Breathwork
● Sacred share circle (the practice of speaking from the heart & deep listening)
● Journalling prompts to delve deeper
● Mindful movement
● Singing in sisterhood (no obligation to sing, listening & absorbing very welcome)
● Community, safety & trust
● Being fully witnessed, heard, celebrated & held
● Togetherness
● Inspiration & permission to practice the full expression of your true self in a safe, judgement free space
● Working with Oracle & Tarot decks
● Time for free flow connection
● Wholesome cake & herbal tea