General terms of Yoni Bandha

Yoni Bandha Yoga Studio - Terms and Conditions

1. Booking and Cancellation Policy:
- Classes must be booked in advance.
- Cancellation is accepted up to 2 hours before the scheduled class.
- Payment: $18 per class or $120 for an 8-class pass (cash only until further notice).

2. Stay-at-Home Mom Considerations:
- Classes may be canceled last minute due to sick kids or school closures (clients will be informed as promptly as possible).
- Flexibility is appreciated as Yoni Bandha's instructor manages partial daycare.

3. Inclement Weather Policy:
- Classes may be canceled due to inclement weather, with notification provided at least 10 hours in advance.

4. Health and Safety Guidelines:
- Clients feeling unwell, experiencing fever, or any flu symptoms are requested to stay home.
- If experiencing alarming signs related to pregnancy or postpartum, clients should cancel class and consult their doctor.
- Safety is our priority; therefore, it is crucial to follow the teacher's instructions during class. Listen carefully to cues on proper form, posture, and alignment to avoid injury. If you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns, please inform the instructor before the class begins.

5. Registration and Welcome Email:
- Clients must fill out the registration form sent in the welcome email before their first class.
- Before attending classes, pregnant clients are encouraged to consult with their obstetrician or healthcare provider to obtain a medical release, ensuring that their participation in prenatal yoga is safe

6. Material
- Clients are required to bring their yoga mat.
- Any props or equipment suggested by the instructor are encouraged to enhance your practice and maintain safety. Equipment might be brought by clients or borrowed to the instructor.

7. Photography and Data Sharing:

- Personal information will be handled securely and following data protection laws.
- Personal information may be shared with Yoni Bandha's partners for promotional purposes.
- By attending classes, clients authorize Yoni Bandha to use pictures and videos for promotional purposes, including but not limited to flyers, social media, and internet marketing. Any concerns or objections regarding the use of personal images can be communicated to Yoni Bandha for resolution.

8. Code of Conduct:
- Treat fellow participants, the instructor, and Yoni Bandha staff with respect and kindness. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
- Punctuality: Please arrive on time for classes. If you need to leave early, inform the instructor in advance.
- Communication: Keep communication channels open and considerate. If you have any concerns or feedback, feel free to share it with the instructor or Yoni Bandha staff.
- Cleanliness: Maintain personal hygiene and ensure that your yoga mat and accessories are clean.
- Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of others. Any personal information shared within the class or with the instructor should be kept confidential.