-Pregnancy Yoga With Orla Kerbey- 6 week term

Thursday, July 18 • 6:10 PM - 7:15 PM
Zenergy Yoga
Orla Mc Adam


6 Week Option - 75euro. NEW START DATE OF 18TH July

Orla has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and during this time, has developed a fascination with the women’s body, especially around maternal health and well being. She practiced yoga through her own pregnancy and the movement, breathwork and meditation helped calm her mind and body, and supported her through her labour.

Her 250hr training in Hatha Yoga in The Elbow room fuelled her passion for learning, and her pregnancy yoga course with Yoga Therapy Ireland gave her the additional skills to ensure that she could support pregnant people as they move through their trimesters towards their delivery. Her classes will focus on movement and breathwork which will challenge mama to move her body in a safe way, which will then support her through her labour and delivery. We will use props such as birthing balls, tennis balls for myofascial release of tight spots, belts and bolsters to ensure comfort and safety when relaxing. Orla is also a trained Postpartum Doula and is passionate about supporting mamas as they move through their matrescence into motherhood.

Drop is option also available in studio for those who cant commit to full course is nearing end of Timester 3/ Due date. Drop in option is 15 euro. Just let us know to expect you so the studio is not overbooked and there is space for all the mums and bumps

We recommend that you have entered your second Trimester before beginning Pregnancy Yoga classes.