Vinyasa Flow: class in English

Zaterdag, 21 december • 08:30 - 09:45
Jo Rhodes
I have always been interested in yoga. I remember picking up a couple of books by Tara Fraser when I was a teenager, but not quite understanding what I was doing as I was sitting in 'Baddha Konasana' in my bedroom. Later in my twenties, when I became ill with POTS, yoga was one of the few types of exercise I was told I could do, so I started Ashtanga and started to feel strong again.  But the time when yoga became integrated into my life was after an event which left me with debilitating PTSD. I remember feeling like my mind was disconnected from my body; my head had gone elsewhere, and my mindless body was lethargic, yet anxious. Depressed, yet restless. My yoga practice was keeping me going; attending early morning Ashtanga Mysore classes, I found my support network. Not everyone knew the story, but even when the yoga shala was packed, people made room for me because they knew I needed yoga. My pranayama and meditation practice deepened in order to ground me. I started to reconnect my body, mind and soul. I completed my yoga teacher training and have since gone on to specialise in various styles. In the UK I was honoured to open up my own dedicated yoga space too. In my lessons I love to weave in yoga philosophy, and every lesson is different. Now, having taught yoga for nearly 8 years, I aim to create a safe space for people attending my classes and programmes, enabling empowerment and self expression to reconnect mind and body.
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Vinyasa Flow (English spoken)
Vinyasa Flow is a fluid and dynamic form of yoga where the practitioner flows smoothly between asana. The teacher, Jo, integrates different styles of teachings to weave together her own Vinyasa Flow offering, with philosophy and music central to the class. Each class is different, and we always start off seated before building our foundation and rising up to standing postures and warrior-based flow, finishing with grounding, seated and supine asana and ten minutes of relaxation. Each class consists of yogic philosophy, pranayama, and a specific, creative sequence of asana which flow smoothly from one to the next, designed to strengthen and loosen the body, open the heart, and calm the mind – all combined with an awesome playlist!
The class is mixed ability, although some experience of yoga may be beneficial. It is open to all and instructions will be given for beginners and experienced alike.