À propos Bhumi Yoga

I wanted to welcome you to our community and look forward to seeing you at practice, or in a workshop, retreat or private consultation soon.

In 2010 I created Bhumi Yoga to be a place to start or deepen your yoga journey focused on personalised attention and guidance. A place where people feel seen, safe and a sense of community.

The heart of Bhumi Yoga's community is our weekday Mysore Yoga Program where people of all walks of life and backgrounds build focus, know-how, clarity and consistency in their yoga practice. Our Mysore Yoga Program is open for anyone to join. You will receive a lot of 1-on-1 guidance in a group. Beginners practice alongside more seasoned practitioners. Everyone is focused on their practice. There is no hierarchy.

Bhumi Yoga welcomes practitioners of all walks of life. Young and old, with or without experience in yoga, everyone can roll out their mat at our school in the heart of Groningen. Bhumi originates from the Sanskrit language and means soil, ground, foundation, earth and mother.

The name Bhumi reflects much of what yoga practice at our yoga school stands for: a place where we attend to nurturing our inner grounds. We plant and nourish the seeds that help us expand in more beneficial ways, both inside and outside.

I offer:
-Weekday Morning Ashtanga Mysore Yoga Program (includes monthly led primary & chanting, guided Chandra Krama & Pranayama on full and new moon days, Satsang)
-In-depths yoga programs
-Mysore Yoga Mentorship (see more at www.bhumiyoga.nl)
-Private Consultations

What others say about Bhumi Yoga:

“I really love the personal guidance and attention. In my crazy busy life this shala brings me peace and quietness and gives me space to really be aware of my body and how it feels in my own pace. Maxi and her assisting teachers make a great team, love this place and glad I found it.” Mein

"You helped me build a yoga practice that I can do and take with me anywhere.I started to appreciate to learn something new from the bottom up and not compare myself to others. Yoga has become a mindset that goes beyond the mat." Nick Dowling

"Maxi knows how to adjust the learning process to every student’s needs and learning from her is always a delight. When practicing at the yoga school, everyone is equal. Having a regular yoga practice has been a very positive experience for me, it helps me focus throughout the day."
Medeea Anton

"I am not a morning person but to leave morning practice feeling so good, energized and relaxed, is really awesome. I find the personal attention and input I receive for my practice, even when practicing in bigger groups, extraordinary." Bert Oosting

"What I value most about practicing yoga at Bhumi Yoga is the feeling of mental and energetic homecoming, the perfected adjustments, the consistent schedule and the clear instructions." Ravi Soekhai

"At Bhumi Yoga I found that yoga really is for everyone. It is liberating to not try to achieve the most extravagant poses, but to start at where you are today, only to find a week later, you are progressing. Read more" Lies Mensink

We look forward to welcoming you to practice!