About Liz Vasile (Yoga Ariadne)

I teach Hatha Yoga in person in Sacramento, California, and on Zoom. My practice and my teaching of yoga asana are based on the body of work developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, which emphasizes careful alignment, precise instruction, and proper sequencing. I’m a graduate of the 500-hour, 2-year Sadhana Studies and Teaching Apprenticeship program at Adeline Yoga in Berkeley, where I continue to study with my mentor Heather Haxo Phillips (CIYT-3). Additional training and accreditation I currently hold include completion of the 200-hour Deep Yoga program at Piedmont Yoga in Oakland (2010), and a current RYT-200 credential from Yoga Alliance.

My first encounter with yoga was many years ago, as a college freshman, in a month-long course taught by classmates back from a year of study abroad in India. That initial yoga experience planted a potent seed and ignited in me a fascination with the relationship between mind and body, the ideal and the material, which has inspired and shaped my academic studies, in geography and anthropology, and my professional work in higher education. Twenty five years passed before I came full circle back to the yoga mat, first at Piedmont Yoga in Oakland CA with Rodney Yee and Richard Rosen, and later with Iyengar Yoga teachers at institutes and studios in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area. Yoga has become for me a subject of lifelong study, experiential and intellectual. Though my own tendencies lean to the intellectual and analytical, and I love the study of yoga philosophy, I am especially intrigued by how yoga works through the body and the heart to put together the fragments of our beings and bring about insight and integration.