Meditation and Pranayama (Breathe) - Kat

Thursday, September 8 • 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM
Bay Area Yoga Teachers


Tone Your Mindfulness Muscles!
Meditation & Pranayama (Breathing)
Have you heard how great meditation or mindfulness practice is? Everyone is talking about the benefits of settling your mind. But how? You try sitting but you feel more unsettled then ever. You can't sit still. You experience pain and restlessness like you never have before! "I can't do this!" you might say. But you CAN do this. Everyone can practice meditation! You simply need to learn how. That's it!
Kat Kelly will introduce you to mindfulness/meditation practice in an easy and user friendly manner. You will be given all the tools you need to begin and maintain a practice at home. Meditation begins with stability, concentration of the mind and attention to the body and your posture. We will address all of these issues.

Instructed by Kat “MaDhyana" Kelly, zen priest since 2005.
Investment $10 per class. All four sessions only $35.