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April 2, 2024 Mindful Meditation * I AM, I create Part 3
Alena Stankova
April 29 2024
Join us for Part 3 of our Mindful Meditation series, where we continue to explore the profound insights from "One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create" by Erin Werley.

Apologies for the audio glitch during the initial 15 minutes of our session due to a technical oversight. Due to a poorer audio quality, here are the reflective Main Thoughts from Days 3 - 5 as a reminder from the past week, that were shared before we continue to listen new chapters, diving deep into the profound insights shared in "One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create":

Day 3:
Love is the energy of the universe.
Thoughts of love expand the physical world.
Thoughts of hate shrink the physical world.
Creating with new thoughts leads to joy.
Emotions must be discharged to avoid buildup and blockage.
We each have a destiny.
Day 4:
Humans are the only species that think and create.
You can choose to follow your destiny or create something different.
You have a choice to have a persona or be fully I Am.
Humans' thoughts are God's thoughts.
When we are exposed to new information, we filter it through what we already believe.
Ideas of oneness have been recorded since the beginning of history. Everyone can access their inner voice.
Day 5:

God does not judge. Humans Judge.
Good and bad, right and wrong are human creations.
Your persona is a creation. It is not who you really are.
The veil of the persona allows us to experience the physical world as individuals.

In today's session, we will continue our exploration of "One Truth, One Law" by listening to another two chapters from the book. We'll delve into these insights with a deeper reflection, discussing their implications and suggesting practical applications for incorporating them into our daily lives.

Join us as we journey further into self-discovery and spiritual awakening, guided by the timeless wisdom of the universe.