About Cosmic Chaos Club - Stefanie Fechtel

Welcome to the Cosmic Chaos Club. Great to heave you here.
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order." C.G. Jung

If we haven't met yet, I'm Skai (Stefanie), a certified relaxation trainer, spiritual life mentor and Tarot Reader.

I created this club to share my experience and skills with like minded people who are looking for more release, relaxation and mindfulness in their life. Or maybe you are just really stressed and you need a little break. What ever brought you here, I'm grateful for you. May these club bring more awareness, compassion and mindfulness to ourselves and the world.

What you will find here:

Breath work
Moon Circles
Workshops and Retreats

Dealing with depressions, adhd and more thought me different ways to, how to connect with my body and mind to regulate my nervous system and strengthen my mental and emotional stability.
Creating this space and witnessing, how people connect with themselves or others and opening up is a powerful experience. This vulnerability, trust and encouragement at the same time is really inspiring. Guiding you through your Body, Mind and Soul feels like my call. Starting a Moon Coven with regular Rituals is a long dream I had and finally it's time to realize our dreams.

Thank you for believing in my mission and supporting my work.