Wake Up Class by Skai Addams
Monday, 27 May • 09:00 - 10:00
Movement Social Club Berlin, Thulestr. 42, 13189 Berlin
Stefanie Fechtel
Certified Relaxation Trainer and instructor for progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, breath work and meditation.
Monday Morning

Release, recharge and get ready for the week

This class supports a mindful start into a new week and a regular check in with yourself. Your whole system benefits from the different techniques of relaxation and breath work.
The short and intensive sequences are easy to follow and well suited for neurodivergent and neurotypical people.

Sequence of events:
Welcome and topic of the week
Body Scan and Progressive Muscle Relaxation to connect and release
Autogenic training to recharge and set intentions
Breath work to activate your circular system for better focus

Enjoy a mindful start into a new week and focus your energy while harmonizing your body, mind and soul.

Minimum participation: 4
Maximum participants: 10

Please arrive 15-5 min before we close the entrance. We turn off the bell when the session starts. This provides a calm flow without disturbing the participants. Let's respect each others time and moment of mindfulness. Thank you.