Somatic Rest Circle with Vivian Winterhoff
Friday, June 7 • 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM
111 Saranac St
Jennifer & Eevee🐾
Owner and certified RYT 500 instructor Jennifer Green is a retired USAF veteran, who served as a medic and later earned her nursing degree specializing in emergency medicine & trauma. Jennifer is a passionate advocate for the education and development of neuroplasticy behind the yoga practice and the integration of these practices as an adjunct and complimentary practice to traditional medical, physical & mental health therapies. Her work is grounded in deep understanding of the neuroscience and biology of trauma and the impact of stress on the body and mind. Certifications include: iRest Yoga Nidra, Warriors At Ease Level 2, Veterans Yoga Project, 300 hour Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga ~TCTSY, Restorative Yoga, Somatic Therapy, Trauma Informed Yoga for Sexual Assault, Medical Neuroscience
Limited 5 week series with special guest teacher Vivian Winterhoff!!
Somatic Rest Circle: “Finding your self amidst the noise: Cultivating a sense of peace (in tumultuous times)”

Join us for a transformative 5-class Somatics series designed to deepen your connection to your self through your body and the natural world in a calm, meditative space.

Workshop Overview:

Sessions 1 & 2: The Seed – Softening, slowing down, and feeling enough.
Sessions 2 & 3: Rooting – Opening to self, feeling self: Exploring boundaries
Sessions 4 & 5: Sprouting/Branching Out – Engaging with other(s), building trust, and confidence in self.

Special Event: Session 4 🌲 Forest Bathing Walk – Celebrate the Summer Solstice on June 21st at 5:30 PM with an immersive outdoor session in the woods of Littleton, Bethlehem, or Franconia. Open to the public and included for Dust Off Yoga pass holders.

What to Expect:

*Intuitive Movement: Walk, stand, lie down, and move as you feel called.
*Sound Exploration: Hum, sigh and more to connect with your inner experience.
*Nature Connection: Sessions incorporate the natural world, including an outdoor forest bathing walk.
*Anatomical Awareness: Learn and experience basic human anatomy.
*Reflective Journaling: Prompts provided for self-reflection.
*Creative Expression: Experiment with movement, sound, props, and art materials.
*Sharing Circles: Invited sharing to integrate experiences.
*Light Homework: Optional reflective questions and time spent in nature between sessions.

Everything offered will be an invitation. While there is a plan and a theme for each session, there are no prescribed movements, expectations to follow invitations or prescribed outcomes. Each participant is encouraged to listen to their own needs, to remain open to surprise, and to cultivate curiosity about themselves, their experience and others.

Experience the full journey or attend individual classes~all class passes are honored for this special series. Cultivate curiosity, surprise, peace and a deeper connection to yourself and the natural environment.