FREE Online 🦋 Introduction to Flourishing Skills Community~The Science of Wellbeing with Laurie Butson
Monday, August 26 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
111 Saranac St
Jennifer & Eevee🐾
Owner and certified RYT 500 instructor Jennifer Green is a retired USAF veteran, who served as a medic and later earned her nursing degree specializing in emergency medicine & trauma. Jennifer is a passionate advocate for the education and development of neuroplasticy behind the yoga practice and the integration of these practices as an adjunct and complimentary practice to traditional medical, physical & mental health therapies. Her work is grounded in deep understanding of the neuroscience and biology of trauma and the impact of stress on the body and mind. Certifications include: iRest Yoga Nidra, Warriors At Ease Level 2, Veterans Yoga Project, 300 hour Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga ~TCTSY, Restorative Yoga, Somatic Therapy, Trauma Informed Yoga for Sexual Assault, Medical Neuroscience
Would you like to learn how to lead a happier, more flourishing life? Nearly two decades of research have been dedicated to uncovering what enables people to live vibrant, flourishing lives. Positive Psychology is a field of study that uses rigorous science to answer the questions: What’s right with you? And how can you build more of that?

If you are: tired of feeling overwhelmed, underwhelmed, overworked, disengaged, or over-stimulated, join us for a commUNITY evening of education and self-care where you will:

• Discover the formula for thriving
• Learn simple tools for managing your thoughts, shifting your emotions, and inspiring your actions
• Identify simple actions that can lead to dramatic and measurable increases to your well-being

*Online ~ Zoom: you will be notified of the zoom link 30 min before the class starts, please check your email.
**This free commUNITY event will allow you to explore the the science of positive psychology with the opportunity to sign up for the 10 week Flourishing Skills Community workshop coming this fall!