GATHER~ New Moon Circle🌚Manifest with Ritual and commUNITY
Friday, October 4 • 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
111 Saranac St
Jennifer & Eevee🐾
Owner and certified RYT 500 instructor Jennifer Green is a retired USAF veteran, who served as a medic and later earned her nursing degree specializing in emergency medicine & trauma. Jennifer is a passionate advocate for the education and development of neuroplasticy behind the yoga practice and the integration of these practices as an adjunct and complimentary practice to traditional medical, physical & mental health therapies. Her work is grounded in deep understanding of the neuroscience and biology of trauma and the impact of stress on the body and mind. Certifications include: iRest Yoga Nidra, Warriors At Ease Level 2, Veterans Yoga Project, 300 hour Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga ~TCTSY, Restorative Yoga, Somatic Therapy, Trauma Informed Yoga for Sexual Assault, Medical Neuroscience
12 spots available
Are you ready to create sacred time to nurture your inner landscape? Together, we’ll explore a variety of mindful practices designed to enrich your daily life. Each monthly circle brings together a small, intimate group centered around a unique theme, all aimed at cultivating deeper alignment with yourself. You can expect reflective journaling, guided visualization, and a sound bath, that concludes with a sharing circle, connecting with commUNITY and optionally sharing our reflections and inspirations. Every gathering is a little different, but all are created to uplift, restore, and nourish your spirit.

Expansion. Imagination. Inspiration. The new moon invites us to cultivate our dreams. Come envision where you’re headed, and plant new seeds to help turn those intentions into reality.

This is your time to get clear about what’s not serving you. The full moon is a particularly resonant time to engage in practices for completion and release. Join us in creatively working with whatever habits, patterns, or relationships that you’re ready to let go of.

It is my intention and hope that the studio sanctuary circle will raise our vibration and uplifts our hearts as we embrace the healing power of commUNITY. Together, we create a sacred space where everybody can bring their inner world into the present moment to be healed, uplifted, and celebrate.

*Circle will be limited to 12 participants

** Please bring a personal journal and pen/pencil to work with. Bring a mug~a variety of teas will be offered for you to enjoy.