General terms of

Booking // canceling a yoga class:
- Class will take place with minimum of 4 participants.
- Series of classes will take place with minimum of 4 participants per series (reeks).
- In case of cancelation by teacher participants will be informed by email. In case of last minute cancelation the participants can be notified by sms, if phone number is provided in the profile of participant.
- Participants can book a class up until the start of the class. Participation in a class can be canceled up to 4 hours before the start of the class. If canceled later participant will be charged 1 credit for the unattended class.
- Participation in a workshop/immersion can be canceled up to 7 days before the event and transferred to another event. In case of later cancelation full price of the workshop will be charged.

Class passes // memberships:
- Class passes and memberships can be bought via momoyoga platform and payed by PayPal, Credit Card or bank transfer.
- Class pass is strictly personal and valid for limited amount of time.
- Purchased and used class pass is non-refundable. Only in case of injury or long lasting health issue proven by doctor's certificate can a class pass be prolonged.

Participation in the classes:
- Participant is fully responsible for their actions in the class.