Winter Yoga Flow 5: Stillness and Consistency

Kate Armstrong

29 December 2023 • Duration: 1 Hour, 8 Minutes

A practice exploring stillness in postures. In one of the ancient Yoga texts: the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali tells us (1:2) that the essence of yoga is the stilling of the mind and furthermore (1.23) that stillness of mind is a prerequisite to knowing oneself, to knowing God, to knowing this world and to knowing our relationship with this world. This is in exact accordance with Taoist yoga where Lao Tzu's reflects that "returning to the Source is stillness which is the way of nature. The way of nature is unchanging. Knowing constancy is an insight". If nothing else: stillness has value to quiet our busy minds and bodies and allow the body's healing and nourishing mechanisms to kick in as we drop from our 24/7 "switched-on" mode in our nervous systems to the para-sympathetic mode.