Vinyasa Yoga: Variations on Ashtanga A
Kate Armstrong19 June 2022 • Duration: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes
An intermediate practice. Summer is the season of the Fire element in TCM but today we focus on our inner fire - our Tapas in our practice. After a brief warmup we explore the Ashtanga Primary Series A Standing sequence with some modifications. Ashtanga yoga is a school of yoga based around Patanjali’s Raja yoga - or at least it was Pattabhi-Jois's interpretation from his teacher in the early 20th century. However that same teacher Krishnamacharya (and we do a pose named after him towards the end) also taught B.K.S Iyenga and the two styles couldn’t be more different! However there is nothing like the rhythm of an Ashtanga practice to get the heart going so I hope you enjoy it.