General terms of Flowing with Beth

General Class T&C:
Please arrive at least 10mins before the class is scheduled to start.
Please respect the building at all times.
Please be ensure all mobile phones are turned off during the class.

Heath & Safety:
Yoga practices involve physical and mental exercises, which may be strenuous, and it is strongly recommended that you seek advice from your doctor before commencing any exercise routine or practice to ensure that it is suitable for you.

If at any time during the session, you feel discomfort or strain, gently come out of the posture. Rest is encouraged at any point during the class that you feel that you need it, there is never any judgment, it is important in Yoga to listen to your body and respect its limits on any given day.

The practice of yoga asanas requires you to gauge the safety of your practice within your personal physical limitations. Physical exercise, including yoga, can result in injury. Any person using Flowing with Beth's classes takes full responsibility for themselves.

The techniques and suggestions presented in Flowing with Beth's yoga classes are not intended to substitute for medical practice. Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise programme.

If you have any questions or queries do not hesitate to get in touch.