Hot Yoga (Heated) w/ Martha

Wednesday, December 10 • 6:10 PM - 7:10 PM
19, Sant'Agata Street. Sliema., 1
13 spots available


Type of workout – Total body workout
Level - Upper-Intermediate

Join our Upper Intermediate Hot Yoga class, designed for experienced yogis (and for beginners that like the challenge) that are looking to deepen their practice. Set in a room heated to 32-35°C, this session enhances flexibility, detoxifies the body, and promotes mental clarity. The heat helps you move deeper into poses while building endurance and strength. Expect to challenge your balance, stamina, and focus as you explore advanced postures in a supportive, energizing environment.

After class, you'll leave feeling refreshed, revitalized, and empowered — with a profound sense of accomplishment, a clearer mind, and a body that's been thoroughly stretched and strengthened.