Restorative Embodiment & Resilience 90-mins Immersion @Verve Wellness Studio
Friday, 19 July • 18:30 - 20:00
Verve Wellness Studio, Bedford Heights
Julia Krajnakova
A unique 90-mins session designed to foster deep relaxation and healing of both the mind and body.

We begin with gentle, slow movements that encourage you to reconnect with your body, enhancing self-awareness and internal healing. Somatics focus on sensing through movement, while Restorative yoga shifts to sensing through stillness, with each pose held for extended periods using cozy blankets, cushions, and bolsters. The session emphasizes deep breathing techniques integrated with movements and poses to calm the mind and soothe the body. This combination is crucial for achieving a deeply relaxed state where healing and restoration naturally occur. As you move and rest in guided sequences, you'll explore inner peace and deepen your relationship with yourself, tapping into the body as a resource for resilience and emotional balance.

Slowing down is another way of waking up," this class aims to slow you down, wake you up, and bring you home to your own body. It’s a journey toward a deeply relaxed state of being fully present, which opens the capacity to heal our thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Each session concludes with a focus on restoring harmony within, leaving you feeling refreshed, centered, and more connected to your inner self.

Energy ball bites and herbal tea will be served.

For extra comfort, please bring:
Yoga bolster, cushion, 2x blankets and eye pillow.