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9 Runden Sonnengruß mit Surya Namaskar-Mantras
Lea Le Mang
3 Juni 2023
31 Minuten
Endlich mal wieder eine Folge zum Mitmachen! Da die 12 Sonnengrüße (Folge 14) sich so großer Beliebtheit erfreuen, möchte ich euch mit Nachschub versorgen. Hier erwarten dich 9 Sonnengrüße gemeinsam mit den Surya Namaskar-Mantren. Das Rezitieren der Mantren verstärkt die spirituelle Wirkung des Sonnengrußes und soll dir helfen, deine Praxis zu vertiefen.
Die 12 Sonnengruß-Mantren:
OM Mitraya Namaha (Pranamasana – Prayers Pose) = Salutation to the friend of all, to the source of all life
OM Ravaye Namaha (Hasta Uttanasana – raised arms pose) = Salutation to the shining one
OM Suryaya Namaha (Uttanasana – forward bed) = Salutation to the dynamic aspect of the sun, to the one who induces activity
OM Bhanave Namaha (Anjaneyasana – low lunge) = Salutation to the guru who removes our illusions
OM Khagaya Namaha (Phalakasana - Plank) = Salutation to the one who moves quickly in the sky, prayer for progress
OM Pushne Namaha (Ashtanga Namaskar) = Salutation to the giver of strength and nourishment
OM Hiranya Gabarya Namaha (Bhujangasana - Cobra) = Salutation to the golden, cosmic self
OM Marichaye Namaha (Adho Mukha Svanasana) = Salutation to the lord of dawn, prayer for finding the difference between real and unreal
OM Adityaya Namaha (Anjaneyasana) = Salutation to the son of Aditi (cosmic mother)
OM Savitre Namaha (Uttanasana) = Salutation to the stimulating power of the sun
OM Arkaya Namaha (Hasta Utanasana) = Salutation to the one who is fit to be praised, respect to the source of life
OM Bhaskaraya Namaha (Pranamasana – Prayers Pose) = Salutation to the one who leads to enlightenment
Die 12 Sonnengruß-Mantren:
OM Mitraya Namaha (Pranamasana – Prayers Pose) = Salutation to the friend of all, to the source of all life
OM Ravaye Namaha (Hasta Uttanasana – raised arms pose) = Salutation to the shining one
OM Suryaya Namaha (Uttanasana – forward bed) = Salutation to the dynamic aspect of the sun, to the one who induces activity
OM Bhanave Namaha (Anjaneyasana – low lunge) = Salutation to the guru who removes our illusions
OM Khagaya Namaha (Phalakasana - Plank) = Salutation to the one who moves quickly in the sky, prayer for progress
OM Pushne Namaha (Ashtanga Namaskar) = Salutation to the giver of strength and nourishment
OM Hiranya Gabarya Namaha (Bhujangasana - Cobra) = Salutation to the golden, cosmic self
OM Marichaye Namaha (Adho Mukha Svanasana) = Salutation to the lord of dawn, prayer for finding the difference between real and unreal
OM Adityaya Namaha (Anjaneyasana) = Salutation to the son of Aditi (cosmic mother)
OM Savitre Namaha (Uttanasana) = Salutation to the stimulating power of the sun
OM Arkaya Namaha (Hasta Utanasana) = Salutation to the one who is fit to be praised, respect to the source of life
OM Bhaskaraya Namaha (Pranamasana – Prayers Pose) = Salutation to the one who leads to enlightenment