HAPPY HALLOWEEN NO CLASS - Silent Meditation (free/donation) | 8:00 pm EST/5:00 pm PST
Tuesday, October 31 • 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Deb Phelps
Deb is a certified Mindfulness/Meditation Teacher and Practitioner since 1980. She is a Mindfulness Coach & Sound Healing Facilitator. Learn more at debphelps.com Online & Madison Classes Available.
This meditation is a time to join with other practitioners for a period of quiet introspection and mindfulness. The session is lightly guided and uses bells at open, mid-way, and at close. There is a brief sharing of our experience after the meditation.

Fee: Pay What You Can

Time Listed is (CST) Central Time Zone (Chicago). See https://timezoneconversion.org to convert to your Time Zone.