Special Mindful Resilience for the Holidays (free) | 9:30 am EST/6:30 am PST
Monday, December 18 • 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM
Deb Phelps
Deb is a certified Mindfulness/Meditation Teacher and Practitioner since 1980. She is a Mindfulness Coach & Sound Healing Facilitator. Learn more at debphelps.com Online & Madison Classes Available.
Join our special session, "Mindful Resilience for the Holidays," and discover how to navigate the festive season with greater ease and joy. In this 45-minute class, Deb will guide you through mindfulness practices tailored for the holiday season's unique challenges. Learn to balance the joy and stress, connection and loneliness, activity and exhaustion that often come with this time of year. This class offers practical tools for mindful breathing, observation, and gratitude, helping you manage expectations and emotional triggers. Embrace the holidays with a newfound sense of calm and resilience, making space for self-care and meaningful connections. Perfect for anyone looking to experience the holiday season with more presence and peace.

Time Listed is (CST) Central Time Zone (Chicago). See https://timezoneconversion.org to convert to your Time Zone.