Mantra and Chakra Exploration Meditations | 9:30 am EST/6:30 am PST
Thursday, January 4 • 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Deb Phelps
Deb is a certified Mindfulness/Meditation Teacher and Practitioner since 1980. She is a Mindfulness Coach & Sound Healing Facilitator. Learn more at Online & Madison Classes Available.
Welcome to our unique meditation series where each week brings a new journey into self-awareness and inner balance. Our sessions alternate between the powerful practice of Mantra Meditation and the enlightening exploration of Chakra Meditation, offering you a varied and holistic approach to mindfulness and spiritual growth.

Mantra Meditation Weeks: Dive into the world of mantras, where focused repetition of sacred sounds or phrases helps quiet the mind and deepen your meditation practice. These sessions will introduce you to different mantras, each with its unique vibrational quality and meaning, designed to bring about specific benefits such as inner peace, mental clarity, or increased energy.

Chakra Meditation Weeks: Explore the energy centers of your body known as chakras. These sessions involve guided meditations that focus on balancing and aligning your chakras. You'll learn about each chakra's significance, from the root to the crown, and engage in practices that promote the flow of energy throughout your body, leading to greater harmony and well-being.

This class is perfect for anyone looking to expand their meditation practice, whether you are a beginner curious about different meditation styles or an experienced practitioner seeking to deepen your knowledge and experience. Each week offers a unique opportunity to either harness the power of sound and intention or to engage deeply with the energy anatomy of your body.

Join us on this rotating journey of mantra and chakra meditations, and experience the transformative power of these ancient practices in a modern, accessible format.

Fee: $5 or Membership

Time Listed is (CST) Central Time Zone (Chicago). See to convert to your Time Zone.

Classes are recorded for our Meditation Library, see link below.