Gentle Yoga & Yoga Nidra with Rachael | 8:30 pm EST/5:30 pm PST
Monday, September 25 • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Rachael Bielecki
Yoga and meditation teacher helping you to destress from modern life and find your bliss. Specializing in Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga & Restorative Yoga.
Mondays 8:30 PM EST

As it is the first full week of autumn we will work on releasing and letting go into the fall season. using our practices to both physically and energetically prepare for fall.

On Monday we continue the work we began last Monday to release and let go of anything that isn’t serving us energetically. We set an intention for autumn and then use our breath to release and relax into fall.

Suggested $15 drop in or a try free class.
Contact Rachael: