MADISON | Sound Healing Rest™
Saturday, November 11 • 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Peaceful Wellness Madison Studio
Deb Phelps
Deb is a certified Mindfulness/Meditation Teacher and Practitioner since 1980. She is a Mindfulness Coach & Sound Healing Facilitator. Learn more at Online & Madison Classes Available.
Deb's signature session of sound healing.

Sessions are an infusion of a guided rest meditation called yoga nidra along with gentle sound healing added at times to soothe and bring additional calm.

This is a deep meditation where you lie down (or you can sit). We have plenty of props to make you comfortable: yoga mat with blankets, bolsters, and others.

These sessions help to bring relaxation to your mind and body and de-stress from your busy life.

We start off with warming up our joints and short seated practice, then move into the practice where you can lie down.

Fee: $15 or Membership

Location: Peaceful Wellness Madison Studio
2114 N. Sherman Avenue, Suite 6-8 (formerly Northside Yoga’s space) We are located in the lower level of DuWayne’s Salon and Massage East.