MADISON✨Inner Celestial Shifts: Preparing for the New Year Within✨
Saturday, December 30 • 4:44 PM - 6:14 PM
Peaceful Wellness Madison Studio
Mourning Dove ♡
Hi, my name is Mourning Dove, and I feel so blessed to share my offerings at Peaceful Wellness Studio, a truly magical space infused with so much beautiful energy. I’ve been guiding self love and deep inner connection circles, workshops, and rituals along with private and small group sessions through Surrender Within since 2017. I’m a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance, have completed trainings with Accessible Yoga School, and am certified in Vinyasa, Yoga for All, Emotional Freedom Reiki, and other healing modalities. Prioritizing self care and deep inner work, while fostering a loving relationship with myself has transformed the way I navigate hardships and intensities in life, how I show up in my relationships, and my ability to cultivate empathy for myself and others. I love creating nurturing spaces to make it easier for others to do this beautiful work, too. I provide lots of options and encourage autonomy throughout each class or session, so you get to honor what works best for your body and mind, as you progress along your own unique journey. Whether you feel called to create inner shifts with a private Emotional Freedom Reiki session, cocreate a self love ritual for you to practice on your own, honor the lunar cycles, or join in community with a sacred circle or special event, I can’t wait to meet you or see you again. If you resonate with my offerings, I will put effort into making them accessible to you. Please reach out if you have any questions, barriers you’d like to navigate together, intentions you’d like to share, accessibility needs, or if there’s anything that would make you feel more welcome and comfortable. I look forward to connecting and sharing part of your journey together!♡" All bodies, identities, and abilities welcomed and valued.
✨Harness the empowering energies of the last full moon of 2023 to shake loose what you are leaving behind as you enter the new year…

✨Attune to your theme for 2024…

✨Then lovingly prepare an open inner heart space to welcome and nurture what is waiting to unfold for you.

Guided reflection, gentle movement, mantra, intuitive art, optional sharing, intuitive dance, journaling, self love, Reiki, and song.

Homework Soulwork to complete on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day will also be provided to support your process as the wheel of time births a new beginning.

All bodies, abilities, and identities welcomed and valued.

Limited space to honor the intimacy of the event. Pre-registration required.

Reach out with accessibility needs, barriers to attending, other payment options, or if you need help registering.

Peaceful Wellness Studio
2114 N. Sherman Avenue | Lower level
If you need help navigating the stairs, please reach out!
(608) 442-4377 (text or leave voicemail)

You are worth it!