Power Vinyasa Online

Tuesday, May 7 • 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM
Virtual / Zoom
Karli Janine Erickson
⊹ Raising awareness for the thoughts, patterns and beliefs that hold us back. ≻ Livestream + On-Demand Yoga Classes ≻ In-Person Schedule (+ more): PranaRoseYoga.com Based out of Portland, OR, USA


Formatted to fit a one-breath-one-movement flow, this is an intermediate level practice intentionally sequenced using the principles of Universal Yoga (UY)*. Several options will be offered along the way to accommodate the various levels of practitioners, including modifications and intensifications (always optional). An existing yoga practice will help each student as they enter this class, but specific UY experience is not required.

Rather than taking the more common, linear approach, this class is sequenced in a mandala fashion which involves facing every direction of the mat — honoring North, East, South and West (literally and energetically), as well as belly up, belly down, and right / left side down vinyasas. The intention is to "trap the mind" in order to stop identifying so much with the thinking mind, and to connect with a deeper part of ourselves.

*Founded by Guruji Andrey Lappa, UY is a multi-faceted system of methods that represent the essential rules and laws of traditional yoga which can be used for any and all individuals, and for any broad or specific goal. UY aims to target all major joint rotations, stimulating marma points (vital energy points) to activate the entire system and create greater harmony through the sustained flow of energy.
