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Aug 20, 2024 | Power Vinyasa | Parivrtta Svarga Dvijasana (Revolved Bird of Paradise)
Karli Janine Erickson
August 31 2024 • Duration: 1 Hour, 24 Minutes
Schedule conflict? Got you covered ;-)
Practice on your own time with this one and only Power Vinyasa recording!

Simply select the recording of your choice, submit payment, and the link to the video shall be granted! *The link should send you to YouTube.

‣‣ Access to the recording will expire after 48 hours when purchased as an On-Demand Drop-In, for accountability sake (On-Demand Drop-In's act as a one-time "rental").

Happy practicing ~・∙

🙏🏼 🌹 🤍 ✨