Backbend – Open Level (ONLINE)
Wednesday, 2 September • 17:30 - 19:00
Laura Jervidalo Ravn
I started to teach because I want to serve my community and share the knowledge discovered in my own journey. In the physical aspect I focus on the relationship between strength and flexibility to balance the body, but just as importantly how overall through incorporating all eight-limbs of Yoga it holistically support longevity in outer and inner health. Balancing the physical, sets the body for stillness, silence and creates the preparation for deeper discoveries in more subtle parts, encouraging sensitivity and heightened enjoyment of existence. I hope to help my students to a deeper understanding of their inner Self.
**IMPORTANT - this is and ONLINE class. For IN-STUDIO, be sure to book the IN-STUDIO option**

In this class we will focus on backbending exercises and postures. Building flexibility with strength and steadiness.
Backbending increases mobility in your spine. Though backbends in general has a more direct connection with igniting the sympathetic nerve system response, backbend-focussed practice has an overall balancing effects for the nervesystem and your entire wellbeing as most modern living humans lives a life in a lot for forward bending postures and activities. Backbends help balance the entire body structure, as well as the internal systems and nerve-system responses.

Backbends stretches the entire front body, in particular areas where many experience more or less restriction, like guards, hip flexor area, abdomen, chest and shoulders. Especially opening the area around the chest can have many benefits for the heart and its beating mechanism and furthermore promote more elasticity in the lungs, so breathing is experienced with more ease and depth.

Backbending is also known to reverse aging signs of the body by strengthening the entire backside body which can weaken with age and/or due to a forwardbending lifestyle.

In an energetic/pranic perspective the heart is the centre of love and compassion and the throat is the centre of expression, communication and speaking truth. Opening these areas requires courage and vulnerability. Not only is it important to practice with compassion, but you will also develop an expanding this quality through the practice. Backbends evolves the emotional heart as well as connecting and becoming more aware of the spiritual heart - the house for the inner Self. Gradually as the heart and throat centres opens it can have extremely freeing/liberating effects.