Alison White

For over 20 years, Alison has had a true passion for the fitness and health industry after a health challenge in her 20s. She begin practicing yoga reluctantly because it was not her thing, but noticed how much better she felt and realized she wanted to share that with others. She strives to teach in a way that provides access to all ages and levels of abilities, creates thought and meaning and lends challenges, both physically and mentally. Alison loves a great playlist to flow to! When not teaching, she is an enthusiastic participant for different genres of fitness classes, and hangs out with her husband and pup.

Prossime lezioni

Mercoledì, maggio 29 5:30 PM
Unwind Wednesday

Mercoledì, giugno 5 5:30 PM
Unwind Wednesday

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Altri insegnanti a Studio Seven6 Yoga