Unconditional Love - Open Level - 45 mins Free

Laura Mitchell

March 13 2024 • Duration: 45 Minutes

This week, I ask us to think about unconditional love - for OURSELVES. What we need to let go of, or create space for, in order for us to love ourselves completely, freely, passionately! In all matters of the heart, it's about balance; between our inner world and the external world, the way we speak to ourselves and to others, how much we give and how much we receive.
In this practice, we look to bring balance into the body, the mind and the heart through balancing breath, movement and meditation as we seek to bring more love, compassion and empathy to all layers of ourselves.
Bring a yoga strap if you have one (or a dressing gown cord/ scarf...)
Poses: seated twist, forward fold, mountain, dancing Shiva, one legged balance, warrior 1, side lunge with twist, seated twist/ bind, lunge, up dog, child's pose.